About Us
Being a web hosting customer can be a hard thing - you frequently have to cope with network outages and an awful and sluggish technical support service. To top it all off, you need to log at least in two interfaces in order to administer your domains, billing transactions and your web site itself. When we established Dornan Hosting, we aimed to change all that.
A Novel Hosting Approach
The hosting Control Panel is the part of the web hosting platform that the customers actually see. And 90% of the hosting service providers out there use one and the same hosting Control Panel - cPanel. We, however, find cPanel to be out of date and hard to use - it simply obstructs our work. That is the reason why we reached the decision to use another Control Panel - the Hepsia Control Panel. It's new, has an ultramodern look & feel and offers billing, domain and web site management possibilities, so you can administer all facets of your Internet presence from one location. What's more, it has a drag & drop File Manager, so you won't have to resort to a 3rd-party FTP client. Our tests have verified that the Hepsia Control Panel works 3 times as fast as other Control Panels! We have also created a hosting Control Panel demo - you can check for yourself how Hepsia functions.
A Reliable Web Hosting Platform
Your site has to be visible online. That is why we count on top-notch hosting servers driven by the time-proven combination of Linux and Apache. We are also working with four excellent datacenters where you can host your web site. This allows us to offer a 99.9 percent network uptime guarantee.
A People-Centered Approach
Last, but most definitely not least - we are there for you! We have Live Chat agents who are there to answer all your pre-sale queries and to help you resolve minor technological problems. We have a first-rate 24/7/365 customer support service. We offer a 1-hour response time guarantee, but in most instances our customer support team reps reply to support tickets in no more than twenty mins!